Induced Birth

By Georgia Bowan
Mother asked me if she should hide,
The bottles again tonight,
And I laugh and say “no not this time”,
Knowing full well, that I’m a fucking liar.
Because I was born a little late,
The nurses said they found her skin, underneath my nails.
I was clinging so hard to that womb, I loved it to death.
I came from blood and died in it, I guess.
But I’m walking and I’m talking and I’m pressing on my pulse, now.
The waters high but I’ll get higher ,
Since, I hate the taste of water,
I’ll drink myself to death.
I’m barely 20 but i feel like I’m already 42.
Don’t have any children or a lover,
Just me and the basement, that I call my room.
My parents feed me scraps of meat and pet me when I’m good.
I’m 42 and I’m a creature who never learned how to be good.